Hedelius 5-axis machining center Tiltenta T7
From semtember 2023 at Douna Machinery in Leeuwarden:

Tiltenta T7-2600 1R Magnum
Hedelius machining center Tiltenta 7 with NC-controlled, continuously pivoting main spindle,
5-axis CNC control Heidenhain TNC 640, 22.00 kW/ 117 Nm main spindle drive 50-14,000 1/min.
This machine equipped with 29KW/183Nm 50-14000 1/min.
50-way tool magazine and NC rotary table integrated in the fixed machine table as C axis.
Working range:
X axis V/H** : 2600/2030 mm
Y axis : 750 mm
Z-axis V/H** : 695/800 mm
Swivelling range : -5° - +98°.
Optional : -98° - +98°
Distance spindle nose machine table :
Spindle vertical : 20 - 715 mm
Spindle horizontal: 200 - 1000 mm
Diameter integrated NC table: Ø 750 mm
Pendulum operation V : 1 x 760 mm, 1 x 1300 mm
Vertical / horizontal